Jean and Henry Pollak Nursing Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to a student attending the Lienhard School of Nursing, who will agree to apply, as his or her first choice, for employment as a nurse at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, NY. The scholarship imposes no long-term employment obligation on either the hospital or the applicant with respect to job tenure. Lienhard shall verify whether said application has been made, and if an offer has been made and accepted. If the hospital should cease to exist, Pace shall enter into a similar agreement with the successor institution. Candidates should exemplify high ethical standards and the qualities of a good nurse, with preference given to those in the one-year baccalaureate portion of the combined degree program maintaining a minimum 3.5 GPA. The Dean of the Lienhard School of Nursing and the Office of Financial Aid are responsible for selecting recipients and making awards.
